Thursday, July 31, 2008

Back to Routine

Well the kids are home and it did not take long for all of us to get back to our normal routine. The kids did not take long to make the huge pile of laundry that I am so used to. I thought I was all finished only to find another huge pile tonight for all the stuff they had on today. The boys got hair cuts today. I will post pictures later. I have to take them.. Hunter did not get it cut short if you are wondering... but you can see his eyes again.

Hannah had her first PT today on her feet. They told us that her gastrocnemius muscle in her leg is extremely tight and we have to work on getting it to loosen up. She also has very low mobility of her ankles. She said that her left leg is worse than the right. We are set for a month of PT and then we will reevaluate her condition. We just need her to really concentrate on walking on her heels and not her toes.

Lacy ate a bird or part of a bird tonight and now is feeling the pain. I have had to take her outside several times for a potty break. Hopefully she will not be too sick over it. I gave her a bath and she sure looks better.

Well that is about it tonight. I will try and take some sort of picture tomorrow and post it.

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